Archive: Domestic Birds
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Download Doman's cards Animals, birds, insects | Training
Nouveau: les cartes pour pouvoir manipuler (2 fois plus grandes que dans le cahier) Dernière mise à jour 31/08/2013 remplacement du mot Velleda par feutre effaçable Dans le cadre du Plan de Prevention de Lutte contre l'illettrisme, nous avons travaillé sur le langage et le vocabulaire à l'école et de là est née une liste de mots sur 7 thèmes (la classe, l'alimentation, les animaux, les métiers, le corps / l'hygiène, la maison, le spatio-temporel ) que nous nous efforçons d'apprendre aux ...
Fruits and berries
A set of pictures for sound imitation. Part one: animals. Download and print for classes with a child
Good afternoon, my dear subscribers and guests! With great joy and excitement, I want to present to you a new developmental material - THE THEMED COMPLEX OF GAMES-ACTIVITIES "PETS" for the development and education of children of preschool and primary school age. A thematic complex is not even a thematic set, lesson or week. It's much more! Th Archive: Domestic Birds e complex I have prepared can be used by you for the development, education and training of preschool children, as well as with success ...
Photo album Miscellaneous groups ღ ♥ ๑ DETLANDIA ღ ♥ ๑ City of Childhood
Birds: pictures for children. Birds are mythological and fabulous creatures. Resident and migratory, wild and domestic birds of Russia. Games with cards and pictures.
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